A rare coding variant within the wolframin gene in bipolar and unipolar affective disorder cases
Furlong RA, Ho LW, Rubinsztein JS, Michael A,
Walsh C, Paykel ES, Rubinsztein DC
Department of Medical Genetics,
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research,
Addenbrooke's Hospital, UK.
Neurosci Lett 1999 Dec 24; 277(2):123-6


A recent report has shown that Wolfram syndrome carriers (heterozygotes) are 26-fold more likely to require psychiatric hospitalization compared with non-carriers, and that Wolfram syndrome heterozygotes may constitute approximately 25% of individuals hospitalized with depression and suicide attempts. We analyzed a His611Arg polymorphism of the wolframin gene by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and HhaI restriction digestion, in 158 bipolar I and 163 unipolar major affective disorder cases, and 316 controls. Statistical analyses of allele or genotype frequencies do not support a major role for wolframin in affective disorder. HhaI restriction digestion and sequencing of PCR products from four affective disorder cases showed a heterozygous Ala559Thr change. The Ala559Thr variant was not detectable in 382 controls tested. Thus, the rare wolframin 559Thr allele deserves consideration as a risk allele for affective disorder.
Bipolar depression
Atypical depression
Retarded depression

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