Controlled release levodopa in Parkinson's disease: influence of selection criteria and conversion recommendations in the clinical outcome of 450 patients. STAR Study Group
Linazasoro G, Grandas F, Martinez Martin P, Bravo JL.
Center for Neurology and Functional Neurosurgery,
Clinica Quiron, San Sebastian, Spain.
Clin Neuropharmacol 1999 Mar-Apr;22(2):74-9


We present the results of an open, prospective, multicentric study including 450 patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease (PD) converted from standard Sinemet to Sinemet CR (controlled release; Dupont Pharma, Pavia, Italy). Patients with complex fluctuations and diphasic dyskinesias were excluded and the conversion was made after some recommendations, depending on the clinical problems and the daily dosage and administration schedule of standard (STD) Sinemet. The condition of more than 60% of the patients improved after the change and 80% of them preferred the CR formulation by the end of the study. We found a moderate, but significant, improvement in most of the efficacy parameters used, such as the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), the Schawb and England scale, and dyskinesias and sleep questionnaires. Forty-five patients (10%) discontinued the study due to adverse effects (mainly gastrointestinal disturbances, functional deterioration, and dyskinesias). We conclude that Sinemet CR is a useful and safe therapeutic option in patients with mild and moderate PD. Selection of the patients is the most important outcome factor.
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Caffeine and Parkinson's disease
Tramadol and Parkinson's disease
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Selegiline and Parkinson's disease
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L-dopa in the treatment of Parkinson's disease

and further reading

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The Good Drug Guide
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The Responsible Parent's Guide
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