Gabapentin: a review of published experience in the treatment of bipolar disorder and other psychiatric conditions
Letterman L, Markowitz JS
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Medical University
of South Carolina, Charleston 29425, USA.
Pharmacotherapy 1999 May; 19(5):565-72


Successful therapy with valproate and carbamazepine in patients with psychiatric disorders led to investigation of other anticonvulsants for similar indications. Gabapentin is a relatively new anticonvulsant being investigated for potential use in the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD), anxiety disorders, behavioral dyscontrol, and substance use disorders. Its favorable side effect profile, absence of the need for therapeutic drug monitoring, and minimal drug interactions give gabapentin a potential role in these indications. Computer searches of the biomedical literature were undertaken to identify all pertinent case reports, case series, and studies of the drug as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy for BD; 10 reports were retrieved. In the treatment of various anxiety disorders, one study, one case report, and one case series were identified. At least one case series described gabapentin therapy for alcohol withdrawal and one case report of the drug for agitation associated with dementia. Published, well-designed studies evaluating the agent's effectiveness as monotherapy for BD are lacking. Its benefit as an adjunctive treatment with other mood stabilizers is also unestablished. Data regarding its efficacy in the treatment of anxiety disorders or manifestations of substance abuse are limited. These areas may deserve further investigation.
Bipolar disorders
Pfizer's gabapentin
The manic spectrum
Gabapentin: structure
Gabapentin for bipolars
Treatment of acute mania
Bipolar treatment guidelines
Gabapentin, pain and depression
Gabapentin (Neurontin): prescribing information (PDF)

and further reading

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