Open trial of bupropion SR in adolescent major depression
Glod CA, Lynch A, Flynn E, Berkowitz C, Baldessarini RJ.
Bouve College of Health Sciences,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA.
J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs. 2003 Jul-Sep;16(3):123-30


PROBLEM: There are few studies of sustained-release bupropion in adolescents with major depression. METHODS: Twenty-one adolescents with DSM-IV major depression were recruited through advertisement and self-referral; 11 began study medication and were rated weekly with an expanded Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (SIGH-SAD), as well as Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I). RESULTS: Of 11 subjects enrolled, 8 completed an 8-week trial of bupropion SR. Mean baseline SIGH-SAD scores of 31.3 decreased significantly by 74% to mean endpoint score of 8.2. Improvement on CGI-I that agreed closely between raters and patients was found in 8 of 11 subjects (72.3%). The mean daily dose of bupropion SR was 362 mg +/- 52 mg and was well tolerated; insomnia and weight loss were experienced by 55%; other adverse effects of dry mouth, headache, agitation, light-headedness, diarrhea, or rash were noted in a minority of subjects. CONCLUSIONS: In this preliminary, small open study, depressed adolescents showed a marked response to bupropion SR.
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and further reading

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