Beta blocker induced depression. A case report
Acosta F, Suarez Cabrera M, Acosta M, Acosta P.
Servicio de Psiquiatria.
Hospital Universitario Insular de Gran Canaria.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2006 Sep-Oct;34(5):352-4.


O Introduction. Although association between beta blockers and depression has been reported since decades ago, the subject is still controversial. Most evidence supporting an association has been based on case reports or case series. Epidemiologic studies and randomized clinical trials have not generally supported this association. If this association exists, possible causes of disparity of findings may include methodological difficulties, and/or weak association. Clinical case. We present a case of a 67 year old woman, without personal history of psychiatric illness or stress factors, who develops a depressive episode after initiating treatment with atenolol. The symptoms remitted rapidly when atenolol was discontinued, and an antidepressant was prescribed during a short period. Conclusions. This case report suggests the existence of an association between a beta blocker, atenolol, and depression.
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